Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Lonely

Oh So Lonely

Are you desperate?
As I said before...
and I will say it again...
"Hi" is not a pick up line.

Asking an opinion,
saying "Hello,"
being friendly
is simply that...

I don't really know you
and you don't really know me
and yet you think
there is something between us?

There is nothing between.
I hardly talk to you.
I try not to look at you.
And yet you think...

Why me?
Find someone else...
Not me!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

My friends and I discuss the guys we meet...  It doesn't matter if a woman is married, dating someone, or single...  Desperation is something that makes people stay away...  Unless you are desperate too...  And I know it goes both ways...  The hunter sometimes exchanges places with the hunted...  The domino effect...

Some people are nice simply because they are but that doesn't mean that they want to date you...  Or marry you...  I recently had someone tell me he was moving away but I was like "so what" because it didn't really affect me at all:  A relationship should be mutual and the attraction has to be mutual.  You should never date a wolf in sheep's clothing...  And there are many out there...  They come across as "nice people" but they are manipulative and conniving...  Be wise!  Be careful!  Be cautious!

For instance, a guy takes a picture of you and then shows everyone saying he is dating you which is not true.  But because a guy has an ego he will fabricate a fantasy inside his head and tell people that he is dating you and that you do all these things for him when in fact you have not.  Usually if a guy is talking about it, it's because he never got anything...  Do you realize how many people will do stuff like that?  Just because...  guys have told me...

This is a good rule of thumb...  Trust your gut!  If the person makes you depressed or angry then he is probably not the right person for you.  We live in a day and age that many men and women play games to get what they want.  Beware!  Different people bring out different parts of you.  You want someone that will make you a better person.  But again!  It has to be mutual...  Is someone makes you a better person but you make them turn into a raging lunatic then it is probably not a good fit either...  Know what I mean?