Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Narcissist

I Love Myself

"Who is the fairest of them all?"
Remember Snow White's
wicked stepmother?
She would look
into her mirror
daily and hope that she
was the fairest in the land.
No one could be fairer.
No other...
No child...
No other...
And when someone fairer
was more fairer than she
she sought to kill her rival.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Remember the wicked stepmother queen from Snow White?  There are people like this.  Many people that love themselves more...  Than others...  They lie, they cheat, they deceive...  They gaslight and play mind games...  They are narcissists...  Remember the first?  In Greek Mythology?  They say that if you are married to a narcissist it is like being married to a demon

What does it mean if a person you have dreams about is portrayed as a demon?  Why is the mother of a son always portrayed as the demon?  She is a truly evil enigma...  intending harm to her son...  and husband...