Saturday, September 28, 2019

Steve Gallagher

At the Alter of Sexual Idolatry

I know that I have certain expectations from married men and especially those who are Christians.  If you are a married man...  then the only woman you should be checking out is your wife, the only woman you touch is your wife, the only person you are intimate with is your wife.

Remember that there are many levels of intimacy:  1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, and the "home run."  Remember the man with the "roving eye?"  Don't be that man!  Especially don't be the man that walks around telling people that he was intimate with a woman when he never got a "home run" which is what he's hoping people will think when he talks that way.  He is probably a moronic idiot!  

Men tend to be visual so they like to look, fantasize and watch things that they shouldn't see...  Be careful masculine eyes what you see...  God's will and Satan's will...