Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Monsters Among Us

The Maggot Patrol

I see the rise of maggots
once hidden and unseen
coming out of nothing
to make a crying scream...

They say they want,
want, want...
What's best for all is all
but really
the only thing
they care about
is only for themselves...

What a crying shame
that everything
they care about
is only for themselves...

They don't care
for children
or the innocence
of youth
but if we start
them young enough
then they'll want
what we want too...

@JoSH Popcorn Poet

Do the ends justify the means?  What is morally wrong in our country?  If I am miserable than I want you to be too...  Or because I am miserable I won't wish for that for you?  There is something wrong with any agenda that corrupts the children and the youth...  Don't you agree?  "Be careful little ears what you hear..."  Predators everywhere!