Sunday, May 16, 2021


Resides Among Us

Lucifer of yore
was a very charming fellow...
the bright and morning star 
they described him,
little realizing 
how very deceptive 
he was...
so malignant,
so malicious,
so manipulative,
and cunning...
He made you want 
to believe him,
not knowing that
you were being led
to your destruction...
His days are numbered
but he roams the earth
causing destruction
and prowling
for his next victim...
Will that be you? 

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Have you ever met a malignant in your life?  I always try to be nice to everyone but sometimes a foreshadowing or premonition tells you to beware of this person...  They may be wearing black and flitting in and out of the shadows so light on their feet...  Doesn't that sound just like a professional thief?  Malignant is her game and your demise is her gain...  Thou shalt not covet...  Oh woe is you?  Your time is up and to the lake of fire you will be thrown for eternity...