Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The House...

In Pleasantville


There once 
was a house
where the golden girls lived 
but no one 
was allowed 
to be real, 
make small talk,
be positive, 
the evil one 
doesn't want you to talk, 
speak truth, 
be real...
because that would mean 
that you were alive 
instead of being trapped 
in your own compliance... 
Our being human
lies in our emotions...

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Have you ever had to deal with people who wouldn't talk about the real things in life?  Instead they just talked about things that didn't really matter?  Hmmm...  What do you desire?  A relationship that is like a roller coaster ride or one that is just meaningless...  Fee fie fo fum...  Let us live a humdrum life in shades of grey instead of vibrant color because we have been squashed so thoroughly...  Why would you let anyone ever do that to you?