Monday, March 10, 2014

My Attempt at Prose...


Sometimes I wish I could go off to a faraway place where no one knows me like a mermaid venturing onto dry land.  Where I can come and go as I wish with no one being the wiser as if I were a famous movie star hiding from my fans.  I like my life and I enjoy my family and friends but sometimes I relish the idea of venturing into the unknown and meeting people I’ve never seen or met before.  I’m extremely partial to the idea of happening upon a handsome stranger, by chance.  Our eyes would meet across a wide expanse of time and space and we would both be shaken to our very core like an earthquake occurring out of nowhere without warning or red flags.  We would slowly start meandering towards each other like bumblebees grazing on flowers.  Would there be a sting?  Ouch!  Sometimes…  You never really know.  Life can be antiseptic and secure like a medicinal wall cabinet or your world can be full of color like a rainbow of emotions if you only let go and if you’re willing to take a risk. 

This piece was done for a writing class and was one of my few attempts at prose.  I still need to practice and develop my writing more.  I feel like there is so much I want to do but just not enough time.  And time goes so very fast, doesn't it?  Like sands sifting through the hourglass...