Saturday, March 8, 2014

Oh, oh, oh! Not that short!

bits n pieces

running in late
sitting on a chair
hair getting washed
snip snip snip

so much hair
lying all around
roundabout the chair
in bits and pieces

not as much hair
attached to my head
loads lighter
feels light as a feather

now all i do is wait
till it's time
to do it again
snip snip snip

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry 2014

This poem was written spur of the moment.  A friend of mine told me about a salon needing hair models so I decided to give them a try just to see plus it's a way to save money.  The haircut was a lot shorter than I'm used to so I'm still getting used to it.  However friends have told me my hair looks cute.  One cool thing about hair is that even if it is a bad cut, hair grows back.  Whew!  Right?