Monday, September 29, 2014

Franklin D Roosevelt

Sailing Quote

“To reach a port we must set sail –
Sail, not tie at anchor
Sail, not drift.”

This is a quote by Franklin D Roosevelt.  I like quotes and am always looking for meaningful ones to add to my collection.  Recently a friend of mine told me that the term "waterslide" came to mind when she thought of me and I was trying to figure out the significance.  I then remembered an incident from years ago when I was much younger and had walked up a bunch of stairs to go down a waterslide thinking it would be fun.  The only thing I hadn't realized was exactly how far up that waterslide was and I got up to the top only to look down and think that there is no way I can go down that slide; however when I looked down the stairs that I had just come from, I realized that walking down would be much worse, so down the slide I went.  For me, a "waterslide" represents taking a risk to follow my dreams.  New situations always bring on some anxiety but sometimes we have to just "take the bull by the horns" and go for it!