Saturday, September 13, 2014


Mean What You Say

I say this...
You say that...
Do you mean
what you say?
Why say it
We are a
people that
live life in
a hurry.  
We say this 
to appease 
but instead feel 
relieved because 
we don't mean 
to deceive 
but go along 
our merry way.
Don't make a promise 
you do not intend 
to keep.  
If you don't mean 
to do it.  
Just never say it!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry 

Do you ever really think about the things you say to people and the promises you make but never keep?  I really strive to keep my promises but sometimes life gets in the way and a promise here and there might go astray, but if I remember it, I will do my best to keep it.  I think back on my Dad's time in hospice and I know I let some things fall between the cracks but usually I really do try to keep my promises.  There are times when it may take longer but they do say "better late than never."