Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Murphy's Law

Days Like This!

Ever have a day
where you woke up
in the morning
thinking about the things
you really needed to do?

Except once you got
out of bed you kept going
in the wrong direction
and had to pull yourself
out of one chaos after another?

I have days like this!
Where Murphy reigns
no matter what I do.
Why?  Why?  Why?
Disasters stay away!

However I suppose
if it wasn't for those
days gone awry
I would never enjoy
the good days so much.

So...  Murphy...
you may have me for a day or two.
 But I have days
when serendipity falls my way.
And I enjoy them immensely!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Well...  it is true!  You have days when nothing goes your way and you are ready to pull your hair out.  However you also have very good days too!  And you can't believe how good it gets.  When Murphy pulls you into his hemisphere, why not treat yourself to an ice cream or chocolate cookie?  It'll be a little bit of sweetness in an otherwise chaotic, crazy day!  :)