Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hidden Corruption

Blue Nation

A child learns early
between right and wrong
and a conscience
that develops over time.

However what if that child
is pressured into
remaining silent
when things go wrong?

They say in New York City
that a person can
get mugged and killed
right before your very eyes.

Do people care
if someone comes
to harm?  As long
as it's not them?

What about a company
that promotes honesty
and ethics only to hide
the corruption within?

Are your eyes
wide shut?
Or do they
remain open?

One day your soul
will show you
what you didn't stand up for.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

It's always amazing to me that whistleblowers get such a bum rap from the very people who are in essence doing something wrong.  If someone's trying to hide something then doesn't that make you wonder what they're hiding?  Think of everything that is going wrong with our world today.

In the story of David & Goliath, only David was not scared to fight the giant.  What a bunch of wimps the other soldiers were.  

This poem is dedicated to all those people out there who were not afraid to stand up for truth and justice.  You are the Davids that faced their Goliaths!