Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Silence is Deafening

No Voice

There is a fine line
between discipline
and abuse.

Sometimes a
child suffers
in silence.

There are people
in this world
that love to abuse.

They do what
they want to whoever
they choose.

Thinking they
will get away
with it.

Well there is
a higher power
and justice
is not dead
just delayed.

A time will come
when a hidden sin
comes to light.

Then the world
will know
the injustice
brought upon
a silent someone.

A child is silent
when feeling

A bully can't pick
on someone
their own size.

They pick on
someone they
think they can
to remain quiet.

So...  let your
voice be heard!
Don't be a silent witness!

If you don't speak
up for yourself.
No one else will.
Don't let the
evil one win.

And you don't
have to be a child
to be silenced
into cooperating
with a monster.

Unleash the child
within yourself
that was silenced.
Let your voice
be heard.

Because you
have a voice
and I will listen.
Because I
have been silenced too!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

Everyday you read about child abuse:  A parent that abuses their child.  You also hear about adults abusing each other:  A manager abusing a direct report.  I had more than one abusive boss when working in the corporate world.  What causes these monsters to unleash their ire upon innocent children and good employees?  It's because inside they hate who they are.  Wouldn't you hate yourself if you were a monster and you knew it?  Can you believe that I actually had a manager threaten to write me up because my electric stapler was too loud?  Incredible!  I told a class I was attending about it and they told me to send the email to Dilbert.  However I have yet to see this comic come into existence.