Sunday, February 22, 2015

David & Goliath

One Small Stone

One small stone
was all it took
to bring a giant
to the ground.

To think that
around him trembled
and was afraid.  

Even the
mighty soldiers
did not want to
tangle with this hulk.

All it took
was one small boy
with courage
and a heart for God.

And with one
small stone
the giant tumbled
and was slain.

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

We all have giants in our lives that we sometimes are too scared to face.  A friend of mine dealt with her giant and it seems that I will have to deal with mine.  It's surprising to realize that sometimes it doesn't take a wide array of arsenal to take down a giant, just one little stone.  All you need is just one little stone.