A Haunting Melody...
A quiet place to listen...
A quiet place to rest...
listening to a melody
that reaches your innermost soul.
A haunting melody
that brings back memories
of good times and bad
and sometimes makes you sad.
I remember different
types of music
and where the music played.
Remembrances of places I've been.
@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry
I remember spending a summer in Connecticut and the different kinds of music I listened to there. Listening to Hotel California makes me think of Connecticut which is really odd because you would think it would make me think of California. That's the summer I learned to dance.
Remember the song, The Three Little Pigs? That was entertaining because the pig voices were so high... That song makes me think of Wisconsin only because that song played over and over again on MTV.
My favorite instrumental composer is Giovanni. His music is so cathartic it makes your soul want to cry.