Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

A Mother's Comfort

Remember a time
when you were very young
and your mother was there
when you needed her?

You had a bad day
and you fell asleep crying
or your tummy hurt
and were hot with fever?

What would I have done
without a Mother
to champion my causes
that were important to her?

The recipient of my
tears and my fears.
My hopes and my dreams.
And made me smile?

Here's to you Mom!
Because you're important
no matter what you do!
I Love You!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

This poem is inspired by my Mom but is in honor of mothers everywhere.  Especially for my many friends who are Mothers.  I see you interact with your children and know how dear and loved your children are by you.  Never stop being the best Mother you can be!