Monday, May 4, 2015

War Room

A Battle Cry

A couple falls 
in love together
but over the years 
they grow apart.

When once they 
used to love each other
now they're deeply torn 
inside their heart.

How do you fight
to save your marriage?
How do you fight
to save your love?

The battle cry begins
in an empty room
where you fall down
on your knees and start...

A prayer to champion
the warrior that has 
your best at heart
and has known you 
from the moment
you began.

Before, Now and Forevermore!

@JoSH Poetic Popcorn Poetry

This poem was inspired by the movie War Room that I recently attended.  I was invited to a special preview and attended with a friend.  It is another movie produced by the Kendrick Brothers who are the same producers that brought you Facing the Giants.  Their movies are great at growing your faith while making you cry at the same time.  Go grab your friends and catch this movie when it comes out in August.